A Popourri of Links Gathered from 2003 - 2008

Dick Cheney Opposes Invasion of Iraq, 1994. His argument is -- on every point -- impeccable. - http://youtube.com/watch?v=PHrH42kPEAs

Pat Robertson endorses Rudy Giuliani. Will the Christian right stand for this? The following Salon article details Giuliani's hypocrisy and hubris - http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2006/12/05/giuliani/

Or will the Religious Right follow the lead of this conservative blogger who quit the Republican Party and re-registered as a Democrat? - http://www.balloon-juice.com/?p=8971

Pope Benedict XVI condemns Iraq War while wondering if any modern war meets the traditional criteria of "a just war." http://www.cjd.org/paper/benedict.html

War is no longer working. What we once projected "over there, far away" now repercusses with nearly instantaneous blowback. There is "something new under the sun." From now on, every military victory will be, at best, pyrrhic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrrhic_victory

While on this "mythic" note, Bush's "War on Terror" recalls the Lernaean Hydra - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lernaean_Hydra

"Head and Heart: American Christianities." American historian, Garry Wills explains how separation of church and state protects religion. Interview and fine book excerpt - http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=14986005

Fox Network’s Frequent Use of Softcore Porn - http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/11/16/digg-bans-brave-new-films/

FCC Media Consolidation. A recent meeting in Seattle spotlights public rancor. (Watch the FCC official at this meeting - a classic glimpse of a person sellinig his soul in homage to America's newest false god - "Career")

“War/Dance” – documentary of Ugandan child soldiers who become musicians - http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=16131203

Lebanon retains Muslim-Christian power-sharing - http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=16143438

A Last Warning on Global Warming (from the U.N.) - http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1685199,00.html

Bush – Crawford  - 9/11 Warning – bin Laden intends to strike inside U.S. – hair on fire - http://www.slate.com/id/2098861/

Bogus information, torture, al-Libi, Harith - http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/entity.jsp?entity=mohammad_harith

The 9/11 Hijackers. 15 Saudis. 4 other nationalities. No Iraqis, Iranians, Afghanis or Pakistanis:  Photos.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organizers_of_the_September_11,_2001_attacks

Photos of Bush kissing Saudis - http://heliconia.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/bush-abdulah1.jpg

Saudi Rape Case:

Intelligent Design on trial – Frontline

Thomas Friedman – Iraq, Suck on This - http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/11/19/thomas-friedman-and-iraq-suck-on-this/

"Costly Withrawal is the Price of a Foolish War," Dr. Martin van Creveld  http://www.forward.com/articles/6936

Martin van Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University, is author of "Transformation of War" http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0029331552/qid=1136255696/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/002-6072344-9062438?s=books&v=glance&n=283155   Creveld is the only non-American author on the U.S. Army's required reading list for officers.

Dr. Martin van Creveld Interview:  http://www.d-n-i.net/creveld/interview_van_creveld.htm
"Nowhere to Run" (a related article):  http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1653454,00.html

George W. Bush fulfills H.L. Mencken Prophecy - http://www.mcclatchydc.com/homepage/story/19824.html

Jon Stewart - The Daily Show - Video clips. While our elected representatives become parodies of themselves, Stewart serves up political commentary at its sardonic best - http://www.crooksandliars.com/index.php?s=Jon+Stewart

Bill Maher video clips. If you don't trip on Maher's sexual juvenilia, his political analyses are worth the wait. (Perhaps the former lends the "courage" to "reveal everything.")  http://www.crooksandliars.com/index.php?s=Bill+Maher

In real life, Stephen Colbert is a Catholic Sunday school teacher. On television, he is "Master of The Neo-Conservative Rant," casting kleig light on McLuhan's dictum - "The medium is the message." In Colbert's world, the ranting "context" vitiates the few feeble principles that provide "content".  http://www.crooksandliars.com/index.php?s=Stephen+Colbert

U.S. Generals Against Torture
(It is an interesting exercise trying to locate American Generals who support torture. If there are any, there are not many.)

"Open Letter to Laura Bush" - Poet Sharon Olds - http://www.thenation.com/doc/20051010/olds

"An Open Letter to Karen Hughes" by Sidney Blumenthal - http://www.salon.com/opinion/blumenthal/2007/10/11/torture_letter_to_hughes/

"Without a Doubt" by Pulitzer Prize Winner Ronald Suskind. What it was like at the height of the "non-reality based"  White House - http://www.ronsuskind.com/articles/000106.html

"We Now Live in a Fascist State," Lewis Lapham, Harper's Magazine, Editor - http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article10710.htm

Wittenburg Door - a Christian site that falls outside any limits you might have in mind. Very thoughtful, provocative and soulful. Created in 1972 by Dallas' Trinity Foundation, a non-profit "collective" whose members live with the poor. (Recommended by friend Jamie Stewart.) http://www.wittenburgdoor.com/

President Bush  vs. Pope Benedict.  The line is clearly drawn.

Modern American Monastic Life

Trappist monk/priest Thomas Merton - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Merton

"Religious Belief and Public Morality" - Mario Cuomo in a Pew Forum - http://pewforum.org/docs/index.php?DocID=14

Mario Cuomo's 1984 Democratic  Convention Keynote Address. A Tale of Two Cities, or a City Shining on a Hill (a high point in American oratory) - http://youtube.com/watch?v=kOdIqKsv624

2007 address by Cuomo concerning conservatism, individualism, the future and the past. http://youtube.com/watch?v=zXH2Q_nqWIo&feature=related

Part Moon, Part Traveling Salesman (CBC):  http://radio.cbc.ca/programs/Tapestry/audio.html

Catholic Education -- Great Curriculum.  Nicely hyperllinked – Marist H.S. New Zealand http://www.faithcentral.net.nz/?sid=3

White House email - http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/11/14/the-white-house-has-an-email-problem

Jared Diamond, Marketplace, Kai Ryssdal. MacArthur scholar Jared Diamond predicts nowhere in the world will have a "first world lifestyle" in 30-50 years - http://marketplace.publicradio.org/projects/project_display.php?proj_identifier=2007/11/08/consumed

The Last Americans  Jared Diamond - http://www.mindfully.org/Heritage/2003/Civilization-Collapse-EndJun03.htm

Anti-Semitism in Britain, Orwell - http://www.netcharles.com/orwell/essays/antisemitism.htm

Pursuit of Happiness as a government promoted policy criterion - http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/12/opinion/12mon4.html?em&ex=1195189200&en=e07b0aab7dd1c74a&ei=5087%0A

Amar y Querer lyrics Jose Jose (A brilliant distinction between commonplace love and love that is characterized by willingness to suffer. Compassion comes from he Latin words "cum" "patire" mean "to  suffer with" another) - http://www.lyricsdownload.com/jose-jose-amar-y-querer-lyrics.html

British Parliamentarian and senior stateman Tony Benn on compassion and the founding of the British National Health Service as a reaction to the barbarism of WWII - http://youtube.com/watch?v=37wkX2gklzo

Health Insurance Rescinded after Treatment Started -

“No End In Sight” PBS Now analysis of the documentary movie - http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/316/video.html

General Sanchez says Iraq a “disaster with no end in sight.” - http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/13/washington/13general.html?_r=1&th=&oref=slogin&emc=th&pagewanted=print

Why We Fight (Documentary movie about the military-industrial  complex. Dwight Eisenhower is the hero here.) http://sonyclassics.com/whywefight/main.html

Dying Languages –

Complete Makeover competition, 2006. (If you think you can believe your eyes, think again. What you see is not what you get. Spooky "before and after" photographs...) - http://deeindiana.livejournal.com/81891.html

Bill Maher (almost as spot-on as he is irreverent)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WOefoDQb6U

Jon Stewart on Torture and Old Testament morality (Dana Perino)

White House Spokesperson Scott McClellan says the White House made him lie to cover up the White House's central role in outing CIA operative Valerie Plame

Jon Stewart targeting Iraq, Finland and then, the Sun!

Carrie Underwood – "So Small" - (Somebody this "pretty" and this blond shouldn't be so spot-on,) http://www.cmt.com/videos/carrie-underwood/175952/so-small.jhtml

Ann Coulter song (Proof positive that the American right is inspired by hatred. Although Ms. Coulter can spew diabolism with "the best of him" it bears mention  that Michael Savage, the third most popular right wing talk-show host said that if he were put in charge of American troop training, he 'would fill them with so much hatred that they would win the Iraq War in weeks.')http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/10/26/open-thread-613/

Lucifer etymology – an interesting website entitled “Take Our Word”  - http://www.takeourword.com/TOW111/page4.html

Techniques of the World’s Saviors – Joseph Campell - http://www.tobyjohnson.com/heroes.html

Bill Maher and unruly audiences - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-f_YYEw-QI

The weight-loss drug “Alli” and fecal incontinence. (You will laugh out loud at this real pharaceutical ad - http://www.citizen.org/prezview/articles.cfm?ID=17179

Condi Rice photo. Bloody Code Pink confrontation - http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/10/24/confronting-condi-rice-the-blood-of-millions-of-iraqis-is-on-your-hands/

Stanley Milgram's classic experiment on submission to evil authority - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment

Faust (a mythic legend that is increasingly the “story” of American culture) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust

Ludwig Wittgenstein, the brilliant 20th  century philosopher who pointed out that "Whatever we say a thing is, it isn't" (There's a lesson here for all scriptural literalists.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Wittgenstein

Little Big Minds: Sharing Philosophy with Kids - http://www.littlebigminds.com/?content=comments

Per Pupil Cost of Public Instruction (by state): http://www.nea.org/newsreleases/2003/nr030521.html#t5

A Buddhist view of "the straight and the narrow" - http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/8489/8489.ch01.html

Man boy love in Afghanistan – Diane Rehm Show

The Rape of Nanking and Suffering Secondary Trauma - http://www.inthesetimes.com/article/3368/suffering_secondary_trauma/

The Victory of Reason: How Christianity led to Capitalism, Freedom  and Western Success (a radical re-vision of Christianity by an agnostic Sociology/History Professor) http://www.amazon.com/Victory-Reason-Christianity-Freedom-Capitalism/dp/0812972333/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1195681956&sr=8-1

Rodney Stark’s Wikipedia page - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodney_Stark

Rodney Stark interview - http://touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=13-01-044-i

Rodney Stark questions Darwinism - http://www.meridianmagazine.com/ideas/050210darwin.html

Here's Stark's own webpage - http://www.rodneystark.com/

Health care comparisons across developed world

U.S. Health System. Best in the World? Or, just more expensive?  (U. of Maine study) - http://dll.umaine.edu/ble/U.S.%20HCweb.pdf

Willie Nelson Biodiesel - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_Nelson_Biodiesel

Meeting Resistance – Best Iraq Documentary to date

George McGovern, “The Case for Liberalism. A Challenge” (McGovern claims that all major 20th century progress in American politics -- Social Security and Medicare -- is due to Democratic Party initiative.) http://humanities.psydeshow.org/political/mcgovern.htm

Old carbon dioxide global warming ads. (How silly the political Right looks in hindsight. Nobody's laughing at Social Security or Medicare.)

Pesticides on fruits and vegetables. (If you have have children and incline toward fearful compulsivity you may not want to visit this website)  - http://www.foodnews.org/fulldataset.php

Iran stats (Did you  know that Iran has the Gross National Product of Finland?)  http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/10/23/bush-iran-and-reality/

Immigration on the Gorund, Good Newsweek graphics - http://www.newsweek.com/id/43249

Bush Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill says Bush was determined to invade Iraq from the time Bush entered office. He called Bush’s cabinet meetings like “a blind man in a roomful of deaf people.”

Torture, bad intelligence, Iraq War, justification  - http://rpayne.blogspot.com/2005/12/torture-bad-intelligence.html

Kuttner interviewed by Bill Moyers on Hedge Funds. The purpose of regulation is to protect little guys but also to  protect The System itself. - http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/10122007/transcript1.html

“Kerry’s The One!” The American Conservative’s 2004 endorsement of Kerry (Scathing indictment of Bush by one of America's premier conservative journals) - http://www.amconmag.com/2004_11_08/cover1.html

William James, early exploration of Comparative Religions as if every culture had something to contribute - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_James

Religious affiliation by profession (including named luminaries) - http://www.adherents.com/adh_phil.html

Religious Affiliation of Founders - http://candst.tripod.com/tnppage/qtable.htm

God of our Father – Benjamin Ben Franklin’s conversion to Deism - http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/22/books/review/Will.t.html?ex=1163221200&en=2d0837d5ba17e4b9&ei=5070

Every Political Leader Quoted on  Every Issue (A very useful site)- http://www.ontheissues.org/Pat_Buchanan.htm

Quotations from "Aburdity in the Pass" - http://www.absurdityinthepass2.supersized.org/categories/6-Quotes

The Shepherd who Saved the Navy Seal (a heart-wrenching story of Islamic integrity):





(Note the Yale Taliban link)

Dina Rasor Betraying our troops interview (If you set aside time to listen to just one radio interview this year, make it this one.) http://wamu.org/programs/dr/07/06/18.php

Rasor is author of "Betraying Our Troops," the culmination of 25 years’ scrutiny as a Pentagon-Defense-Department overseer. http://www.amazon.com/Betraying-Our-Troops-Destructive-Privatizing/dp/1403981922

Shunryu Suzuki Roshi (The "straight and narrow" from a Buddhist perspective) - http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/8489/8489.ch01.html

Information Clearing House (Sign up for their daily email and - whether you agree with them or not -- you will start your day with several exceptionally well-chosen quotations.)  www.InformationClearingHouse.info 

PBS half hour preview - Ken Burns The War WWII - http://youtube.com/watch?v=LEItXS35g8o

The Old Hippie’s blog – An Inconvenient  Truth, A Reassuring Lie, Clay Bennett – Christian Science Monitor - http://oldhippies.blogspot.com/2006/11/still-decidin.html

WiFi hot spots - http://cnet.jiwire.com/search-wifi-hotspots.htm?&country_id=1&state_id=0&zip=27278&radius=20.0&pay_free=both

GI Bill G.I. – NPR - http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=14715263

Pope John Paul II – a case of euthanasia? - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070926/ap_on_re_eu/pope_euthanasia

Pope Benedict XVI – licit war - http://www.cjd.org/paper/benedict.html

Quotes - http://michaelthompson.org/qotd/index.php?mode=authors&select=A

Demonization, UN Declaration of Universal Rights (and John Paul II’s comment on same) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonization

Does Iran  President Ahmadinejad actually say Israel should be “wiped off  the map?” - http://www.antiwar.com/orig/norouzi.php?articleid=11025  (My sister Janet new a Russian translator at the United Nations who said that Krushchov’s assertion “We will bury you!” would have been  more accurately translated: “We will leave you in the dust.”

Anti-War Quotes  - http://antiwar.com/quotes.php#922

Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy - (I dare Christians to read this book.) - http://amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/002-7571866-8023261?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Amish+Grace&x=0&y=0

ACCESS TO LIBRARY CATALOGS WORLDWIDE - http://www.worldcatlibraries.org/

Ugly Betty - http://dynamic.abc.go.com/streaming/landing

Mario Cuomo on U.S. violence violent - http://pewforum.org/docs/index.php?DocID=14

Fraud in Iraq – Bill Moyers - (No matter what one thinks about Iraq, it is a fact that large petroleum reserves almost always have a profoundly corrupting influence on government. Due to Bush's grotesque mismangement of Mess-o'-potomia, Iraq's government is now so corrupt it will take many decades - if not centuries - to restore a semblance of integrity.)

Ugly Acting Agency - http://www.reuters.com/news/video?videoId=67806&videoChannel=4

Inexorable march toward war on Iran (Hopefully this foolishness has been trumped by Washington's need to focus on Pakistan and Afghanistan's resurgent Taliban.) - http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/110107C.shtml

"The Coup at Home" - Frank Rich at his very best, revealing the United States at its very worst - http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/11/opinion/11rich.html?_r=1&em&oref=slogin

Frank Rich "Iran plus 9/11 equals Democrats’ Defeat" - http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/11/04/opinion/edrich.php

Prof. Randy Pausch's Last Lecture while dying of pancreatic cancer:

Diane Sawyer's follow-up to questions concerning Randy's Last Lecture: 
(Sawyer's "spot" is entitled "Professor's Lessons of a Lifetime" and is located in the upper right video insert.)

Are we happier facing death? TIME - http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1678129,00.html

Catholic historian Garry Wills clarifies the "separation of church and state".
By: bluegal
Well, one can hope. Garry Wills and I are both believing Christians, though certain fundamentalists would argue that, since Wills is Catholic and I’m Quaker, we don’t count. His interview on Fresh Air (NPR) Thursday was the strongest and most lucid argument FOR the separation of Church and State I’ve ever heard: separation of Church and State ENCOURAGES religious practice among individuals, rather than stymies it. In a new book about the constitutional separation of church and state, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Garry Wills insists that that separation was meant as “the great protector of religion, not its enemy.”
The entire interview is about twenty-five minutes long and well worth the listen.

Haunted places in the U.S. - http://www.theshadowlands.net/places/newyork.htm

Thomas Merton - The Merton We Knew - http://www.therealmerton.com/tommie4.html

Cardinal George implicated in priest sex scandal

Americans, especially Catholics, Approve Torture http://ncronline.org/NCR_Online/archives2/2006a/032406/032406h.htm

Hi Alan: Sorry I didn't have the issue with me when I wrote last:  rather than JAMA, it's from the NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine) (www.NEJM.ORG) September 20, 2007 issue, page 1221 entitled: We Can Do Better -- Improving the Health of the American People, by Steven A. Schroeder, M. D. Note:  the first $1,000 vs. last $10,000 of medical-care-cost is the most evident way to understand why we have such an expensive (and dysfunctional) medical system.  Those with bucks INSIST on every possible bit of technology to find a cause or cure (even with the dramatically diminishing returns), while those w/o bucks are panicked by the dollar signs such that they don't even pay attention to getting the (excellent) return of the first $1,000. (And most people think the medical system should fix their problem, rather than taking personal responsibility for the life-style changes that actually WOULD benefit them most). Cheers?  Ed Myer M.D.